O amor é um
Um esposo foi visitar um sábio conselheiro e
disse-lhe que já não amava sua esposa e que pensava em separar-se. O sábio
escutou-o, olhou-o nos olhos e disse-lhe apenas uma palavra:
– Ame-a - e logo se calou.
– Mas já não sinto nada por ela!
– Ame-a - disse-lhe novamente o sábio.
E diante do desconcerto do senhor, depois de um
breve silêncio, disse-lhe o seguinte:
– Amar é uma decisão, não um sentimento.
Amar é dedicação e entrega. Amar é um verbo e o fruto dessa ação é o amor. O amor é um exercício de jardinagem: arranque o que
faz mal, prepare o terreno, semeie, seja paciente, regue e cuide. Esteja
preparado porque haverá pragas, secas ou excessos de chuvas, mas nem por isso
abandone o seu jardim. Ame seu par, ou
seja, aceite-o, valorize-o, respeite-o, dê-lhe afeto e ternura, admire-o e
compreenda-o. Isso é tudo. Ame!
A inteligência sem amor, te faz perverso.
A justiça sem amor, te faz implacável.
A diplomacia sem amor, te faz hipócrita.
O êxito sem amor, te faz arrogante.
A riqueza sem amor, te faz avaro.
A docilidade sem amor te faz servil.
A pobreza sem amor, te faz orgulhoso.
A beleza sem amor, te faz ridículo.
A autoridade sem amor, te faz tirano.
O trabalho sem amor, te faz escravo.
A simplicidade sem amor, te deprecia.
A oração sem amor, te faz introvertido.
A lei sem amor, te escraviza.
A política sem amor, te deixa egoísta.
A fé sem amor te torna fanático.
A cruz sem amor se converte em tortura.
A vida sem amor... não tem sentido.
Autor: Desconhecido
Love is a garden
A husband was visiting a wise counselor and told him I didn't love your wife and that thought in separate the wise hear him, looked him in the eye and said only one word:
-Love it-and then shut up.
-But I don't feel anything for her!
-Love it-I told him again the wise.
And the uneasiness of the Lord, after a brief silence, told him the following:
-Love is a decision, not a feeling. Love's dedication and delivery. Love is a verb, and the result of this action is the love. Love is a gardening exercise: start what's okay, prepare the land, seed, be patient, drizzle and take care. Be prepared because there will be pests, drought or excessive rainfall, but leave your garden. Love your pair, i.e. take it, treasure it, respect it, give him affection and tenderness, admire him and understand him. That's all. Love!
Intelligence without love makes you evil.
Justice without love, makes you relentless.
Diplomacy without love, makes you a hypocrite.
The success without love, makes you arrogant.
Wealth without love, it makes you mean.
Gentleness without love makes you cringing.
Poverty without love, it makes you proud.
Beauty without love, it makes you look ridiculous.
The authority without love, makes you tyrant.
Work without love, makes you a slave.
Simplicity without love, belittles you.
The prayer without love, makes you introvert.
The law without Christ enslaves you.
No love policy, makes you selfish.
Faith without love makes you a Bigot.
The cross without love turns into torture.
Life without love ... doesn't make sense.
Author: Unknown
-Love it-and then shut up.
-But I don't feel anything for her!
-Love it-I told him again the wise.
And the uneasiness of the Lord, after a brief silence, told him the following:
-Love is a decision, not a feeling. Love's dedication and delivery. Love is a verb, and the result of this action is the love. Love is a gardening exercise: start what's okay, prepare the land, seed, be patient, drizzle and take care. Be prepared because there will be pests, drought or excessive rainfall, but leave your garden. Love your pair, i.e. take it, treasure it, respect it, give him affection and tenderness, admire him and understand him. That's all. Love!
Intelligence without love makes you evil.
Justice without love, makes you relentless.
Diplomacy without love, makes you a hypocrite.
The success without love, makes you arrogant.
Wealth without love, it makes you mean.
Gentleness without love makes you cringing.
Poverty without love, it makes you proud.
Beauty without love, it makes you look ridiculous.
The authority without love, makes you tyrant.
Work without love, makes you a slave.
Simplicity without love, belittles you.
The prayer without love, makes you introvert.
The law without Christ enslaves you.
No love policy, makes you selfish.
Faith without love makes you a Bigot.
The cross without love turns into torture.
Life without love ... doesn't make sense.
Author: Unknown
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