O cavalo no
Um rico fazendeiro que possuía alguns cavalos
utilizados na execução de diversos trabalhos em sua fazenda, proporcionando-lhe
bons lucros, foi avisado pelo capataz que um de seus melhores animais havia
caído em um velho e profundo poço abandonado.
De imediato, e apreensivo pela iminente
possibilidade de prejuízo, o fazendeiro correu ao local do fato para avaliar a
situação. Usando cordas, desceu ao local onde estava seu valioso animal,
constatando com alegria que o cavalo não estava ferido, apenas muito assustado
com a queda.
No entanto, essa alegria logo desapareceu,
quando descobriu que a operação para resgate do animal oferecia muitas
dificuldades e um custo muito elevado.
Com a racionalidade das pessoas que valorizam
principalmente os recursos imediatos, decidiu que seria mais vantajoso
sacrificar o cavalo ali mesmo no buraco onde havia caído. Tomou então a decisão
de que seria mais adequado encher o poço de terra, porque assim eliminaria
também a possibilidade de novos acidentes. O trabalho foi iniciado e, com
rapidez, os empregados da fazenda, comandados pelo capataz, começaram a jogar
terra dentro do poço para cobrir logo o cavalo.
Entretanto, algo inusitado aconteceu. O cavalo,
que era um excelente animal, não estava disposto a morrer passivamente,
entregando seu destino às decisões alheias. Estava em situação crítica, no
fundo do poço, e só encontrava quem lhe jogasse terra por cima. Mas estava com
saúde e achava que deveria encontrar forças em si mesmo, determinado a
encontrar uma saída e acreditar na vida.
Assim, enquanto ele se sacudia para espanar a
terra que lhe jogavam em seu dorso, repentinamente, após determinado tempo,
para sua surpresa, notou que com aquele seu gesto de espanar a terra, ele
estava subindo, pois a terra se acumulava no fundo do poço, e subindo na mesma,
ele estava conseguindo sair do poço.
Depois de certo tempo, para surpresa geral dos
homens que lhe jogavam terra, emergiu na superfície, soberbo e triunfante,
ainda sacudindo de seu dorso as últimas pás de terra que lhe foram jogadas,
mostrando para o mundo que seu destino era a vida, era o sucesso, era vencer...
Quando qualquer um de nós estiver no “fundo do
poço”, sentindo-se pouco valorizado, recebendo dos outros a “terra” do
desprezo, da falta de apoio e da falta de respeito.
Quando alguns “iluminados” estiverem certos de
sua “incapacidade de reação”, de seu “desaparecimento profissional”, de seu “blackout pessoal”,
lembre-se do cavalo dessa parábola.
Não deixem que decidam o seu futuro por você. Não
se entregue.
Não aceite a “terra” que jogam contra você e não
a deixe acumular “em seu dorso”. Sacuda-a e suba nela, pois quanto mais terra
lhe jogarem, mais terra você terá para subir.
E, assim, com sua energia, determinação e
atitude positiva, você subirá até onde você nunca teria ido sem esse desafio.
Autor: Desconhecido
The horse in the pit
A Rico farmer who possessed some horses used in the execution of several works on his farm, providing you with good profits, was advised by the foreman that one of their best animals had fallen in an old and deep abandoned well.
Immediately, and apprehensive by the imminent possibility of prejudice, the farmer went to the fact to evaluate the situation. Using ropes, went down to where was your valuable animal, noting with joy that the horse was not injured, just very frightened by the fall.
However, this joy soon disappeared when he discovered that the operation to rescue the animal offered many difficulties and a very high cost.
With the rationality of people who value especially immediate resources, decided it would be more advantageous to sacrifice the horse right there in the hole where they had fallen. Then took the decision that it would be more appropriate to fill the well of Earth, because that would eliminate the possibility of new accidents. The work was started and, quickly, the employees of the farm, led by taskmaster, began to play Earth into the pit to cover soon.
However, something unusual happened. The horse, who was an excellent animal, not willing to die passively, delivering his fate to decisions of others. He was in critical condition, at rock bottom, and just was who played Earth on top. But I was healthy and I thought I should find strength in yourself, determined to find a way out and believe in life.
So while he shook dust to earth that you played in your back, suddenly, after a certain time, to his surprise, noted that with that gesture of dust to Earth, he was going up, because the Earth is accumulated at the bottom, and climbing, he was getting out of the well.
After a certain time, to General surprise the men who you played Earth, emerged on the surface, superb and triumphant, still shaking his back the latest spadefuls of Earth which have been played, showing to the world that his fate was life, was the success, win ...
When any one of us is at "rock bottom", feeling unappreciated, receiving from the other the "Earth" of the contempt, the lack of support and lack of respect.
When some "enlightened" are certain of his "inability of reaction", from their "disappearance", his "blackout ", remember the horse of this parable.
Don't let that decide your future for you. Don't give in.
Do not accept the "land" playing against you and don't let her build up "on his back". Shake it and climb it, because the more land you play, the more land you will have to climb.
And so, with his energy, determination and positive attitude, you will rise up where you never would have gone without this challenge.
Author: Unknown
Immediately, and apprehensive by the imminent possibility of prejudice, the farmer went to the fact to evaluate the situation. Using ropes, went down to where was your valuable animal, noting with joy that the horse was not injured, just very frightened by the fall.
However, this joy soon disappeared when he discovered that the operation to rescue the animal offered many difficulties and a very high cost.
With the rationality of people who value especially immediate resources, decided it would be more advantageous to sacrifice the horse right there in the hole where they had fallen. Then took the decision that it would be more appropriate to fill the well of Earth, because that would eliminate the possibility of new accidents. The work was started and, quickly, the employees of the farm, led by taskmaster, began to play Earth into the pit to cover soon.
However, something unusual happened. The horse, who was an excellent animal, not willing to die passively, delivering his fate to decisions of others. He was in critical condition, at rock bottom, and just was who played Earth on top. But I was healthy and I thought I should find strength in yourself, determined to find a way out and believe in life.
So while he shook dust to earth that you played in your back, suddenly, after a certain time, to his surprise, noted that with that gesture of dust to Earth, he was going up, because the Earth is accumulated at the bottom, and climbing, he was getting out of the well.
After a certain time, to General surprise the men who you played Earth, emerged on the surface, superb and triumphant, still shaking his back the latest spadefuls of Earth which have been played, showing to the world that his fate was life, was the success, win ...
When any one of us is at "rock bottom", feeling unappreciated, receiving from the other the "Earth" of the contempt, the lack of support and lack of respect.
When some "enlightened" are certain of his "inability of reaction", from their "disappearance", his "blackout ", remember the horse of this parable.
Don't let that decide your future for you. Don't give in.
Do not accept the "land" playing against you and don't let her build up "on his back". Shake it and climb it, because the more land you play, the more land you will have to climb.
And so, with his energy, determination and positive attitude, you will rise up where you never would have gone without this challenge.
Author: Unknown
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