O falcão, o
morcego e o zangão
Se você colocar um falcão em um cercado de um
metro quadrado e inteiramente aberto em cima, o pássaro, apesar de sua
habilidade para voo, será um prisioneiro.
A razão é que um falcão sempre começa seu voo
com uma pequena corrida em terra. Sem espaço para correr, nem mesmo tentará
voar e permanecerá prisioneiro pelo resto da vida, nessa pequena cadeia sem
O morcego, criatura notavelmente ágil no ar, não
pode sair de um lugar nivelado. Se for colocado em um piso completamente plano,
tudo que ele conseguirá fazer é andar de forma confusa, dolorosa, procurando
alguma ligeira elevação de onde possa se lançar.
Um zangão, se cair em um pote aberto, ficará lá
até morrer ou ser removido. Ele não vê a saída no alto, por isso, persiste em
tentar sair pelos lados, próximo ao fundo. Procurará uma maneira de sair onde
não existe nenhuma, até que morra de tanto se atirar contra o fundo do vidro.
Existem pessoas como
o falcão, o morcego e o zangão: atiram-se
obstinadamente contra os obstáculos, sem perceber que a saída está logo acima,
num olhar sob um ponto de vista diferente e à distância de apenas uma oração...
Autor: Desconhecido
The Hawk, the bat and the Bumblebee
If you put a hawk in a surrounded by a square meter and fully opened up, the bird, in spite of his ability to fly, will be a prisoner.
The reason is that a hawk always starts its flight with a small race on Earth. Without space to run, not even attempt to fly and will remain a prisoner for the rest of his life in this small jail homeless.
The bat, remarkably agile creature in the air, you can't leave a level place. If placed in a completely flat floor, all he can do is walk so confused, painful, looking for some slight elevation from which to launch.
A drone, if it falls in an open pot, stay there until you die or be removed. He doesn't see the output on high, therefore, persists in trying to get the sides near the bottom. Looks for a way out where there is no, until I die from all the shooting at the bottom of the glass.
There are people as the Hawk, the bat and the Bumblebee: they doggedly against obstacles, without realizing that the exit is just above, a look from a different point of view and only a prayer away.
Author: Unknown
The reason is that a hawk always starts its flight with a small race on Earth. Without space to run, not even attempt to fly and will remain a prisoner for the rest of his life in this small jail homeless.
The bat, remarkably agile creature in the air, you can't leave a level place. If placed in a completely flat floor, all he can do is walk so confused, painful, looking for some slight elevation from which to launch.
A drone, if it falls in an open pot, stay there until you die or be removed. He doesn't see the output on high, therefore, persists in trying to get the sides near the bottom. Looks for a way out where there is no, until I die from all the shooting at the bottom of the glass.
There are people as the Hawk, the bat and the Bumblebee: they doggedly against obstacles, without realizing that the exit is just above, a look from a different point of view and only a prayer away.
Author: Unknown
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