O poder das
Sempre num lugar por onde passavam muitas
pessoas, um mendigo sentava-se na calçada e ao lado colocava uma placa com os
"Vejam como sou feliz! Sou um homem próspero, sei que sou bonito, sou muito importante, tenho uma bela residência, vivo confortavelmente, sou um sucesso, sou saudável e bem humorado”.
Alguns passantes o olhavam intrigados, outros o achavam doido e outros até davam-lhe dinheiro.
Todos os dias, antes de dormir, ele contava o dinheiro e notava que a cada dia a quantia era maior.
Numa bela manhã, um importante e arrojado executivo, que já o observava há algum tempo, aproximou-se e lhe disse:
– Você é muito criativo! Não gostaria de colaborar numa campanha da empresa?
– Vamos lá. Só tenho a ganhar!, respondeu o mendigo.
Após um caprichado banho e com roupas novas, foi levado para a empresa.
Daí para frente sua vida foi uma sequência de sucessos e a certo tempo ele tornou-se um dos sócios majoritários.
Numa entrevista coletiva à imprensa, ele esclareceu como conseguira sair da mendicância para tão alta posição. Contou ele:
– Bem, houve época em que eu costumava me sentar nas calçadas com uma placa ao lado, que dizia: "Sou um nada neste mundo! Ninguém me ajuda! Não tenho onde morar! Sou um homem fracassado e maltratado pela vida! Não consigo um mísero emprego que me renda alguns trocados! Mal consigo sobreviver!"
E continuou:
– As coisas iam de mal a pior quando, certa noite, achei um livro e nele atentei para um trecho que dizia: "Tudo que você fala a seu respeito vai se reforçando. Por pior que esteja a sua vida, diga que tudo vai bem. Por mais que você não goste de sua aparência, afirme-se bonito. Por mais pobre que seja você , diga a si mesmo e aos outros que você é próspero”. Aquilo me tocou profundamente e, como nada tinha a perder, decidi trocar os dizeres da placa para:
"Vejam como sou feliz! Sou um homem próspero, sei que sou bonito, sou muito importante, tenho uma bela residência, vivo confortavelmente, sou um sucesso, sou saudável e bem humorado”.
E a partir desse dia tudo começou a mudar. A vida me trouxe a pessoa certa para tudo que eu precisava, até que cheguei onde estou hoje. Tive apenas que entender o poder das palavras. O universo sempre apoiará tudo o que dissermos, escrevermos ou pensarmos a nosso respeito e isso acabará se manifestando em nossa vida como realidade. Enquanto afirmarmos que tudo vai mal, que nossa aparência é horrível, que nossos bens materiais são ínfimos, a tendência é que as coisas fiquem piores ainda, pois o universo as reforçará. Ele materializa em nossa vida todas as nossas crenças.
Uma repórter, ironicamente, questionou:
– O senhor está querendo dizer que algumas palavras escritas numa simples placa modificaram a sua vida?
Respondeu o homem, cheio de bom humor:
– Claro que não, minha ingênua amiga! Primeiro eu tive que acreditar nelas!
Autor: Desconhecido
The power of words
Always a place where many people were passing a beggar would sit on the sidewalk and next put a plaque with the words:
"Look how happy I am! I'm a successful man, I know I'm cute, I'm very important, have a beautiful residence, live comfortably, I'm a success, I'm healthy and humorous ".
Some passers-by looked puzzled, the other was crazy and others until they gave him money.
Every day, before I go to sleep, he counted the money and noted that every day the figure was higher.
On a fine morning, an important and bold Executive, I've watched for some time, came up and said to him:
-You are very creative! I do not want to cooperate in a campaign the company?
-Come on. Just got the win!, answered the beggar.
After a fancy bath and with new clothes, was taken to the company.
From then on his life was a string of hits and at one time he became one of the senior partners.
In a press conference to the press, he explained how to get out of begging to that high position. Told him:
-Well, there was a time when I used to sit on sidewalks with a plate on the side, saying: "I'm a nothing in this world! Anyone help me! I have no where to live. I'm a loser man and mistreated by life! I can't get a lousy job that I rent a few bucks! I can barely survive! "
And continued:
-Things were going from bad to worse when, one night, I found a book and in it I looked for an excerpt that said: "everything you speak about will if strengthening. For what is your life, say that all is well. No matter how much you don't like their appearance, affirm yourself beautiful. For poorer than you tell yourself and others that you're prosperous ". It touched me deeply and, as had nothing to lose, decided to change the words of the Board to:
"Look how happy I am! I'm a successful man, I know I'm cute, I'm very important, have a beautiful residence, live comfortably, I'm a success, I'm healthy and humorous ".
And from that day everything started to change. Life brought me right for everything I needed until I got where I am today. I just had to understand the power of words. The universe always support everything we say, write or think about us and that will end up manifesting in our life as reality. While we say that everything goes wrong, that our appearance is awful, that our material possessions are negligible, the trend is that things get worse, because the universe the reinforce. He materializes in our lives all of our beliefs.
A reporter, ironically questioned:
-Are you trying to say that some words are written in a simple plate changed your life?
Replied the man, full of good humor:
-Of course not, my naive friend. First I had to believe them!
Author: Unknown
"Look how happy I am! I'm a successful man, I know I'm cute, I'm very important, have a beautiful residence, live comfortably, I'm a success, I'm healthy and humorous ".
Some passers-by looked puzzled, the other was crazy and others until they gave him money.
Every day, before I go to sleep, he counted the money and noted that every day the figure was higher.
On a fine morning, an important and bold Executive, I've watched for some time, came up and said to him:
-You are very creative! I do not want to cooperate in a campaign the company?
-Come on. Just got the win!, answered the beggar.
After a fancy bath and with new clothes, was taken to the company.
From then on his life was a string of hits and at one time he became one of the senior partners.
In a press conference to the press, he explained how to get out of begging to that high position. Told him:
-Well, there was a time when I used to sit on sidewalks with a plate on the side, saying: "I'm a nothing in this world! Anyone help me! I have no where to live. I'm a loser man and mistreated by life! I can't get a lousy job that I rent a few bucks! I can barely survive! "
And continued:
-Things were going from bad to worse when, one night, I found a book and in it I looked for an excerpt that said: "everything you speak about will if strengthening. For what is your life, say that all is well. No matter how much you don't like their appearance, affirm yourself beautiful. For poorer than you tell yourself and others that you're prosperous ". It touched me deeply and, as had nothing to lose, decided to change the words of the Board to:
"Look how happy I am! I'm a successful man, I know I'm cute, I'm very important, have a beautiful residence, live comfortably, I'm a success, I'm healthy and humorous ".
And from that day everything started to change. Life brought me right for everything I needed until I got where I am today. I just had to understand the power of words. The universe always support everything we say, write or think about us and that will end up manifesting in our life as reality. While we say that everything goes wrong, that our appearance is awful, that our material possessions are negligible, the trend is that things get worse, because the universe the reinforce. He materializes in our lives all of our beliefs.
A reporter, ironically questioned:
-Are you trying to say that some words are written in a simple plate changed your life?
Replied the man, full of good humor:
-Of course not, my naive friend. First I had to believe them!
Author: Unknown
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