Uma família de tartarugas decidiu sair para um piquenique.
As tartarugas, sendo naturalmente lentas, levaram sete anos para prepararem-se para seu passeio.
Finalmente a família de tartarugas saiu de casa para procurar um lugar apropriado.
Durante o segundo ano da viagem encontraram um lugar ideal! Por aproximadamente seis meses limparam a área, desembalaram a cesta de piquenique e terminaram os arranjos. Então, descobriram que tinham esquecido o sal. Um piquenique sem sal seria um desastre, todas concordaram.
Após uma longa discussão, a tartaruga mais nova foi escolhida para voltar em casa e pegar o sal, pois era a mais rápida entre todas.
A pequena tartaruga lamentou, chorou, e esperneou. Concordou em ir, mas com uma condição: que ninguém comeria até que ela retornasse.
A família consentiu e a pequena tartaruga saiu.
Três anos se passaram e a pequena tartaruga não tinha retornado. Cinco anos... Seis anos... Então, no sétimo ano de sua ausência, a tartaruga mais velha, não suportando mais conter sua fome, anunciou que ia comer e começou a desembalar um sanduíche. Neste momento, a pequena tartaruga saiu de trás de uma árvore e gritou:
– Viu! Eu sabia que vocês não iam me esperar. Agora que eu não vou mesmo buscar o sal!
Em nossa vida as coisas acontecem mais ou menos da mesma forma. Desperdiçamos nosso tempo esperando que as pessoas vivam á altura de nossas expectativas. Ficamos tão preocupados com o que os outros estão fazendo que deixamos de fazer nossas próprias coisas.
The picnic of the turtles
A turtle family decided to go for a
The turtles, being naturally slow, took seven years to prepare for your tour.
Finally the turtle family left home to look for a suitable place.
During the second year of the journey they found an ideal place! For approximately six months cleared the area, desembalaram the picnic basket and finished the arrangements. Then, they discovered that they had forgotten the salt. A picnic without salt would be a disaster, all agreed.
After a long discussion, the youngest turtle was chosen to return home and get the salt, because it was the fastest of all.
The little turtle whined, cried, and screamed. Agreed to go, but with one condition: that no one would eat until she returned.
The family consented and the little turtle left.
Three years have passed and the little turtle had not returned. Five years ... Six years ... Then, in the seventh year of his absence, the oldest turtle, not supporting more contain your hunger, announced that he was going to eat and began to unwrap a sandwich. At this point, the little turtle left behind a tree and shouted:
-Saw! I knew you wouldn't wait. Now that I'm not going to even get the salt!
In our life things happen more or less the same way. We waste our time waiting for people to live up to our expectations. We were so concerned about what others are doing that we do our own thing.
Author: attributed to a Chinese tale
The turtles, being naturally slow, took seven years to prepare for your tour.
Finally the turtle family left home to look for a suitable place.
During the second year of the journey they found an ideal place! For approximately six months cleared the area, desembalaram the picnic basket and finished the arrangements. Then, they discovered that they had forgotten the salt. A picnic without salt would be a disaster, all agreed.
After a long discussion, the youngest turtle was chosen to return home and get the salt, because it was the fastest of all.
The little turtle whined, cried, and screamed. Agreed to go, but with one condition: that no one would eat until she returned.
The family consented and the little turtle left.
Three years have passed and the little turtle had not returned. Five years ... Six years ... Then, in the seventh year of his absence, the oldest turtle, not supporting more contain your hunger, announced that he was going to eat and began to unwrap a sandwich. At this point, the little turtle left behind a tree and shouted:
-Saw! I knew you wouldn't wait. Now that I'm not going to even get the salt!
In our life things happen more or less the same way. We waste our time waiting for people to live up to our expectations. We were so concerned about what others are doing that we do our own thing.
Author: attributed to a Chinese tale
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